Dr Garcia - Biomagnetism Therapy’s founder

 Dr. Garcia Experience

In the emerging field of biomagnetic therapy, Dr. Luis Garcia is a pioneer and leads this developing field with a lot of zeal that talks about its capability to heal incurable diseases. For fifteen unbelievable years he has been at the forefront of alternative medicine in this monumental subject. To keep this revolutionary treatment alive, he offers his invaluable knowledge and experience by conducting monthly seminars on biomagnetism as well as mentoring young practitioners.

Driven by an unquenchable passion for the many uses of biomagnetism, Dr. Luis Garcia embarked on his journey into biomagnetism after attaining his Bachelor of Science Bio degree. A decade-long single-minded research project produced unprecedented discoveries that reset benchmarks for later inventions. A period characterized by intense dedication and profound understanding that catapulted biomagnetism to new levels and heralded an era of transformation and progress can be mentioned as examples. His groundbreaking approaches, in-depth study, and clinical insights have made a lasting impact on the discipline. Apart from his contributions to medicine, Dr. Luis Garcia often shares his expertise via global biomagnetic training initiatives.

Dr. Garcia's Research, Interviews, Podcasts, and Webinars

The revolutionary works and outstanding achievements of Dr. Luis Garcia have forever changed the course of Biomagnetic Therapy. He defined what would be called later as “biomagnetic therapy” through his extensive body of work. Please visit https://drgarciabiomagnetism.com/interviews/ where you will find exciting interviews illustrating how healing happens through this therapeutic process.

A lot of study has gone into Dr.Luis García focusing on how magnetism could be used to cure diseases like malaria.Dr.Luis spent sleepless nights trying to come up with different magnet pairs which laid basis for numerous methods & strategies in biomagnetic therapy. His extensive output includes essays that he has written on his own dissertations clinical case studies and articles that he has contributed to prestigious journals. Nevertheless, the magnetic fields and magnetic water are rather than bio-magnetic pairs his key areas of interest.

Dr. Luis Garcia’s podcasts offer both professionals and patients deep insights into the subject matter. These podcasts provide patient testimonials and an account of Dr. Luis Garcia's own personal path of discovery. They are an essential resource. They tell us stories that every person needs to hear.In podcasts like 'Back Pain and Biomagnetism. Amazing story!’ A patient has shared how Biomagnetism Therapy helped them stand up and arch their back easily by getting rid of the severe back pain they have been suffering from for years. In podcasts like ‘Dr.García's inspiring personal story with Biomagnetism.’ The doctor himself shares how he discovered biomagnetism and got passionate about this alternative form of treatment.


This is a comprehensive summary of Dr Luis García’s knowledge on this subject as well as a useful guide for seasoned practitioners in the field or newbies.

In-Person Biomagnetism Training

Dr. Luis Garcia's dedication to the progress of biomagnetism goes beyond his clinical medical practice. Over 750 students have qualified as effective biomagnetic therapy providers after he mentored them into being so, and this shows how committed he is to producing the next generation of biomagnetism professionals. These experts understand therapy as the originator of revolutionized recovery: sixty one of his learners are performing biomagnetic curative practices in their localities that foster healing and faith in a community. Dr. Luis Garcia’s tireless efforts towards developing this innovative approach to treating people through biomagnetism therapy is also a contributing factor in the popularity of this alternative method.

Beyond Biomagnetism Therapy online course

“Beyond Biomagnetism Therapy” live training workshops and online course further demonstrate Dr. Luis Garcia’s commitment to teaching about biomagnetism. Designed by no other person than Dr. Luis Garcia, this comprehensive curriculum gives step-by-step instructions on precise magnet placement for various conditions or diseases The “Biomagnetism and Beyond Practitioners Guidebook” serves as an instructional guide for potential practitioners. For those unable to attend physical sessions, it offers an equivalent course online that equips participants with an in-depth understanding of the field of biomagnetism therapy.

Beyond Biomag 3D App

The “Beyond Biomag 3D Mobile App” and “Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book” are instances where Dr. Luis Garcia express commitment towards increasing access to knowledge regarding biomagnetic therapy. With a user-friendly interface and a three-dimensional graphical representation of human anatomy, these advanced application software available on both Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store facilitates quick diagnosis of illnesses connected with bio-magnetic links This app has an incorporated glossary with anatomical points for identification within; aiming at catering for novice users up to experienced specialists alike.

Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book

The book titled “Biomagnetism Practitioner Guide Book” by Dr. Luis Garcia is an important resource for any medical practitioner who wants to get basic information about biomagnetic therapy. For practitioners in this field of bio-magnetics, it is a necessary resource material as it gives the complete details of each pair of bio-magnets. This voluminous handbook comes out to provide the public with another sign that Dr. Garcia is committed to enhancing awareness on bio-magnetic therapy. Exclusive offers and discounts on both printed and digital versions of this manual can be found on www.drgarciabiomagnetism.com, which is Dr. Luis Garcia’s official website.

Supplies for Biomagnetism practitioners

Dr. Luis Garcia sells all the needed supplies for biomagnetic therapy through his website since there has been a high demand from medical professionals lately. The main aim of this project is to ensure that these experts have everything they require to care for patients confidently and succeed in applying such treatment towards making it more effective.

His broad assortment of magnets indicates Dr. Luis Garcia's unwavering commitment to providing top-notch biomagnetic therapy services. These magnets are available in different sizes so as to suit different parts of the body thus ensuring quality healthcare delivery to patients depending upon their specific needs. Bigger magnets are appropriate at the back area and lower limbs whereas medium ones are best when used in thorax, abdomen or arms; small size ones should be used on head, neck or hands while bigger sizes are recommended for more delicate regions such as eyes, nose or fingertips Being made in USA these magnets are known for their durability as well as solidness It also involves a detailed seven-year warranty


In simple words, Dr. Luis Garcia's revolutionary discoveries have transformed the field of biomagnetic therapy leading to the creation of a new generation of practitioners who emulate him. These include his unflinching search for knowledge, creative educational initiatives and provision of resources that have improved the practicality and efficacy of biomagnetism as well as bringing hope and cure to many people. They are also attributable to his innovative workshops, online classes, 3D mobile apps and guides as well as other assets that he has developed.

For further details about his life-changing trainings and deep insights on bio-magnetic therapy, visit drgarciabiomagnetism.com. Come along with him in an amazing journey towards healing and transformation.


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